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Krejsel Skov Shelter-site

Shelter accommodation close to the Bjerning Kirke (church) track, where there is a fire pit but no shower, toilet or drinking water.

Shelter site between Haderslev and the UNESCO town of Christiansfeld

In Krejsel Skov (forest) near Moltrup and Bjerning, there is a nice little shelter site. Which is a perfect accommodation for nature-loving hikers or cyclists. As a small detour not far from the shelter lies Bjerning Church, where you can go on a 5km trip and experience no less than 3 historic roads: the Ox Road from the Middle Ages, the King's Road from the end of the 16th century and the Chausseen from 1855. From the shelter there is also approx. 9 kilometers to the historic Sillerup Mølle, a beautifully preserved windmill which, among other things, is known for its tourist days in July.

Accommodation in the shelter is on a first-come, first-served basis, and thus does not require booking in advance. There is a campfire at the shelter, but there is no access to a toilet, shower or drinking water.


  • Accommodation in the shelter is for walkers and cyclists.
  • A maximum of two consecutive nights are allowed.
  • Use of open flames may only take place at the grill and on the fire pit.
  • Firewood must be collected on the forest floor.
  • Waste must not be left on the site.
  • Guests of the forest who arrive by car must park in one of the P spaces.
  • Dogs are not allowed to stay in the shelter.

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