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Gram Kirke, Sct. Vincent

Idyllic church with a long history.

Gram Church, also called Sct. Vincents Church, is one of the old Romanesque churches from the 1200s. In the church you can see a deed of gift from King Christian V to Field Marshal Count Hans Schack.

A part of the inventory of the church comes from the dismantled Sct. Thøgers Church. This includes the holy water font, one of the small candle sticks on the alter, the memorial plaque of the last minister of Sct. Thøger an his family, located on the south wall of the choir, as well as the beautiful little procession crucifix from ca. 1325 on the west wall of the choir.

The church was owned by the King, but during the Swedish Wars it was gifted to Field Marshal Count Hans Schack, and you can see the deed of gift, with King Christian V's own signature and seal from 1673, in a glass case in the church. Count Hans Schack and his family had the right to consecrate priest for as long as they were in possession of Gram Castle and estate. In 1926, Count A. Brockenhuus-Schack handed the church over to the Danish National Church. 

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